Saturday, May 24, 2008


Mom had her Tracheotomy. No problems from surgery. Dad and I are both in Vancouver

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tracheotomy tomorrow

mom is going to have a Tracheotomy tomorrow. She's not ready to come of the ventilator however if they keep her on it there's a good chance they'll damage her vocal cords.

Dad's with mom

Dad's with mom in St. Pauls. I'm going down later. No big changes, mom has a bit of a fever.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Back on Ventilator

Mom is back on the Ventilator, Dad called early this morning to let me know. This was not unexpected. There's always a chance that someone will go back if things don't quite workout

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Off Ventilator

Talked to Dad, said Mom is off the ventilator. They are watching her carfully, if there is any negitive changes they will put her back on.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Margaret's Visit

I got an email from Margaret, here's what she had to say after visiting my mom
Hi Darren
Visited your Mom this evening. . Tomorrow they are expecting to remove her respirator. She looks alot better and her vital signs are stabilized and good according to the present nurse attending her. Will update you after my next visit.
Sylvia's Cousin

Monday, May 19, 2008

Dad and I back in Merritt

Visited Mom this morning. fever is down a little bit today when we left. They are keeping her sedation levels low, dialing back ventilator again aswell. Everything is still going in a positive direction, just slowly.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tough but Good day for everyone

Mom is carefully being transitioned from her current state to being off the ventilator. she's still on the ventilator but has low to no sedation on her now. She's aware of her surrounding and knows where she is but the tough part is she can't say anything yet, her motor skill aren't good enough for her to write, she doesn't have a lot if any energy if any at all.

Talked with a Doctor today, they feel positive about Mom's recovery. They expressed that she's nowhere near the worst person in intensive care, still serious like anyone in intensive care. 

Current Nurse is a nice guy. He's been doing a good job looking after Mom and helping deal with the stress that Dad and I are going through. Our experience at St. Paul's has been great. We would like her to be in Kamloops or Kelowna so we can see her without driving 4 hrs but they are doing a great job at St. Pauls